Heat or Injury?? Silkie in trouble!!


7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
Near Monroe, North Carolina
One of my Silkie hens and her boyfriend live in a tractor outside all the time because they get picked on by my big red roo.

At 11 this morning when I checked on them, they were fine. As of 3:30, my hen was huddled in the corner of the nest box, her head was bobbing and shes very unresponsive. Ive tried to give her water(she had access outside) but she flings her head and wont take it. I gave her a short bath with cool water and she got better for a moment but now is still weaving her head like she cant hold it still and is occasionally panicking and walking with her wings like her legs wont work. Im scared she got hurt and its wry neck but Im still also thinking that its just a heat problem from her being so fluffy...

I have her in front of a fan, occasionally running a little cool water over her, and im going to keep offering electrolyte water.

She just laid her first egg today... I cant lose her
She may have some heat related trauma. Maybe while laying her first egg. I suggest keeping her in a small pen that is COMPLETELY shaded and as cool as possible. Keep lots of water and some food in there. Make sure the pen is isolated and away from noises, people, and other things that may scare or stress it. The less stress the better. I cannot guarantee a recovery but doing as I said should increase the chances. Good luck please let me know how it goes.
She is getting a little better, she is inside the house and will stay overnight, as long as she needs to. I made some adjustments to the pen she was in so that the others in there would not have the same problem. Hopefully by morning, she will show even more improvement.
She was back to her old self this morning, squawking to let me know she was displeased with her living arrangements lol. She still has some loose poo but for now, since its overcast and pretty cool, she is outside. If the temp rises outside, Ill make a call as to whether or not to bring her in again. I also made some more adjustments to her pen outside so it should be cooler, even if the sun comes out.

Thank you for the advice, Ill be sure to remember it in case this ever happens again. Hopefully it wont.. Thanks again, Lenore.

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