Heating my pot belly pig in the winter..............


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
How do you guys give your pig heat? My hubby seems to think we should give him a heater in his house set at a certain temperature. I think we should do a heat lamp. What do you do? What is a good temp to keep his house at? When should I start giving him heat at night?

Thanks so much!
How old is your PB?

We use LOTS of Hay and I mean A LOT lol and a heat lamp. They lay under the hay right under the heat lamp otherwise they still like to come outside during the day. As long as you have a good shelter with no wind, that stays dry, unfrozen water, and hay your pig technically doesn't even need a heat lamp. BUT mine truly love it so I use it.
Nice to know.....we have a really nice set up with a fully enclosed room with a door that he will be able to go in and out of.......I will have to get a LOT, and I mean A LOT, of hay!!!!!!!!!

Thanks SO much for your reply!

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