HeavensHens88's Chat Thread!

Ooooh, moms up and she's going out to check for baby bunnies. To go or not to go...... Hmmmmmm I think I'll stay in my nice warm bed and chat with you :p
:barnie :rant :mad: :rant :mad:
Sorry to hear that, Dan. :hugs
Sometimes I swear predators read our minds and spy on our lives before attacking. :oops:
It's just too ironic with what birds they prey on....

Well, I think I pinpointed this one's den. I'll go case out the woods more thoroughly tomorrow and plan an armed attack a few nights from now, if all goes according to plan.... :fl :rant

Thanks. I will have more one day.
Yeah, they must.

Be stealthy, I spent four months after that blasted fox with no luck. Live traps, foot traps, dogs, guns.
You beat me again.

Though I've got you beat for the last 7 days. :plbb

And I beat both of you. :cool:

:rolleyes: Don't we know it.

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