Hello...a year into chickens


Feb 29, 2020
So my story starts/goes like this kids we playing outside in the back one day last year when i heard a bunch of screaming commotion...i goto the back door to find out what was going on to see a chicken sprinting across my back yard! kids were chasing it or it was chasing them. all i recall is kids were "scared/excited" and the poor thing was too. So i told the kids to come inside....i hadnt seen any chickens around where we live but people CAN have them as we live in the county. i began asking the kids questions like which direction did it come from? I had to figure out how to get it home. So I called my older son he came over and went walking to neighbors houses asking if they were missing a chicken. no one was. we were confused further. we were not ready to take care of a chicken so next best "right" thing i thought was animal control. so my son calls and it turns out they dont handle those types of calls...what could we do? my son drove further down the streets looking for houses knocking on doors and none had chickens! Then my husband came home from work, lol, which i had been texting the whole time about the crazy event and he was just as confused as i was. So he walks in, mind you he lived on a ranch when he was little, he says, wheres the chicken? i look and its gone! we all go outside and look around and it was no where! we figure it went back "home" we start walking back inside and theres this 5 tier shelf we have by the sliding glass door. up on the top shelf lay the chicken. it jumped up there and went to sleep! my husband reached up to get it and said this is not a chicken! this is a rooster! eeer 0_0 ok....so the rooster let my husband pick him up, obviously tame...we have small dogs so we gave him fresh water from the dish...got some fresh vegies and chopped them up with pieces of bread...we decided to just leave him be. if he stays he stays, and if he goes he goes but in the mean time we will feed him and give him fresh water. We had no cage for him and he was free to roam the entire backyard. its fenced with 8 ft fence all the way around. one day he perched himself up on the fence i though this is it, hes leaving, :( (i grew attached very soon) he began crowing jumped down to the neighbors yard, i pierced my lips reached for my phone and texted my husband "i think hes leaving :(" looked back out the kitchen window just in time to see him land back in my yard and the neighbors labs bouncing at the fence...the rooster high tailing it boyyyy!! lol...i called my husband and told him what happened he said he'll never do that again! and he never did (that I seen)i speak of him in past tense because he passed away last night :( and we dont know why :( we had him for about a year. 2 months ago i had gave him the corrid because he had some blood in his poop? all i can think of is like a month later he would squat down and kinda gruntinly make a chicken noise? but he didnt have any blood so i added acv with mothers to his water and gave him oatmeal with cooked rice...he was fine after that....then yesterday he was laying down while the ladies were out just generally looked sad (not like him). we brought him inside and within 30 min he passed :(
We named him Bender. i dont know what kind of rooster he was. he was white with green/blue tail feathers and salt pepper body sort of. soon after we decided to keep him and name him my husband brought home 4 chicks. i dont know what kind im not that educated yet. they are laying eggs though. maryann,ginger,laquita, and mrs howell. One of my girls has something wrong with her leg. (walks with a limp) when she was a chick she always layed on her side. its ok though, im a 3x stroke survivor and i walk with a limp too ;) currently i have eggs in an incubator that i bought off amazon that the more im reading im learning the more im certain they are not going to hatch lol sigh.... they would have been Benders though, that would have been so nice :( hopefully i can figure out how to get pictures on here. i got a few of my girls and a nice video of bender from just a couple days ago. he was so pretty...i look forward to learning alot more about chickens and roosters...

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