Hello again. Dropping in to see what may be new.

Barbara Groves

In the Brooder
May 22, 2015
Boy it has been a busy summer. Long time saying hello. My Red Sex Link are now up to 8 eggs a day. Seems one is having a lazy streak but I'm sure she will come around. My Barred Rock pullets have really grown and should be in production in September. Great having some girls around after 15 years. Hope all of you are enjoying your broods as much as I.
The scratch feed around here is ground to fine and much is lost to dust. Any suggestions as to which whole grains I should mix for treats? I may be able to buy from local farmers and mix my own. Oats are always left on the ground so that I will discontinue.
You are absolutely right. My thoughts exactly. Learning to slow down and appreciate all He has given me and will continue until He calls me home!! The hectic pace of work that entailed many meetings can and did drain me "almost" dry so back to what I love until then. Once a farmer always a farmer!
Yes I always feed pelleted feed to avoid waste. I have turned plastic pails into feeders and some for water.. Again much less waste of feed and cleaner water. So simple to cut round holes around the pail as high as needed and big enough for the hens to put their heads in and some extra space so they can get out quickly if another is being dominant.
Thanks for the site. I will have a look.
I don't know how new it is but, seems to be a lot of chatter about fermenting feeds. If you put that in the search box - things should pop up.

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