Hello all


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
Found this great sight while looking for some coop ideas and found a lot more. So here I am and learning a lot more than I thought I would. getting into raising chickens for eggs and some for meat. Just makes sense to know where your food is coming from, what its been eating and not just showing up in the store.

Looking at some red stars, black stars, Marans, few Rhode Island Reds and per haps a couple Wyandottes. Live in Michigan any thoughts or comments on the birds as far as being cold hardy and egg production. Also looking at some jumbo cornish rock cross for meat. Any thoughts about the rock cross vs a dual purpose bird?

Thanks looking forward to making some new connections
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Thanks had no idea about the climbing. I do have hawks I only have one layer of the square welded wire on the top of the run I would imagine that would be strong enough for hawk prevention....Any one think it should be doubled up?
I don't raise chickens so I don't have any suggestions for you but

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