Hello all


5 Years
Apr 4, 2014
Hello, i just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to this forum. We are looking at adopting 3 hens from someone my husband works with because they are moving out of state. I couldn't be more excited!
Welcome to the flock! I'm sure you will have lots of fun with your ladies..

Welcome to BYC!

How egg-citing!! You will want to do some reading in our learning center here on BYC for lots of great tips and hints on keeping your new ladies....


Give them time to adjust. New birds can be stressed and stop laying while getting used to their new digs. So move slowly around them, try not to handle them much for a couple weeks, and go sit quietly with them daily. Allow them to earn their trust in you. Food is a great bonding agent and really tames them up quick. So go sit with them on their level on the ground with some treats like meal worms, bread or sunflower seeds and just sprinkle them around you so the birds have to come close to you. Hold some in your hands as well. Over time, eventually they will be all over you, begging to sit on your lap.

So glad you could join and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!
Thank you for the excellent advise on getting the chickens used to a new environment. I was reading somewhere that people fees their chickens kitchen scraps. Is this true and if so what kind of scraps are acceptable?
Oh absolutely! I feed mine all kinds of things. Chickens will eat darn near everything! But there are things that are not good for them as well.

Take a look at this treats chart in our learning center for great food ideas...


It is advised to keep the scraps down to once a day and only what they will clean up in 10 or 15 mins as they do need to leave room for their chicken feed. :)
Hi and welcome. Im a newbie too but we are in the right place. My chickens turned 18 weeks old today. Never would have made it without byc.

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