Hello and intro from Maryland


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 26, 2011
Suburban Maryland
I am a mom of 3 and a repurposed public school teacher now homeschooling her own. I am all about learning by doing. Our family finally took the plunge into raising backyard chickens this spring after many years of constant and careful negotiating from our oldest. I think we found BYC while searching for info about chickens and then all did lots of reading and researching on BYC all winter to prepare for our first batch of chicks. I had no idea how much we would all love this family project. We have learned so much from everyone at BYC! When we went to buy our baby chicks we were going to get 4, but somehow after some chicken math, we ended up with 10! I will admit here and now that it was my help with the math that got us to 10. We have 2 white leghorns, a silver laced wyandotte, 2 easter eggers, a buff orpington, a gold star, a rhode island red, a black australorp, and a barred rock. We also have a very energetic chocolate lab and want to add a few guinea pigs since our guinea pig passed away just days before our chicks joined us. My other hobbies, although I don't have much time for them, are sewing, needlework, crafts of any sort, crocheting, scrapbooking (way on the back burner), camping, and "scouting".
from Twentynine Palms in the California high desert!
Hi there! Thanks for the welcome! You are close by! In fact my husband works in Upper Marlboro as a mechanic. What's involved in keeping goats? More or less to it than chickens?

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