Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

This simply isn't true. Old English large fowl? Yeah. But the bantams...there's never any issue. My males all live together when not being used for breeding, my more accomplished neighbor up the road pens his cocks and cockerels together too up to 30 of them at a time, never has an issue, course we might just be too new to the whole chicken thing, only 39 years between the two of us and only 37 with OEGB. LOL
Is this because they are raised together? I have never been able to put any oegb roosters(mature) together unless they were raised together. Serama I could, but the oegbs would just fight, small coops not large ones
Is this because they are raised together? I have never been able to put any oegb roosters(mature) together unless they were raised together. Serama I could, but the oegbs would just fight, small coops not large ones

No. They just squabble for few minutes and are then fine. Not every strain and line of a breed is the same is more of my point. Just because something is true in your birds does not make it a universal truth. I just pointed that out in a clumsy way.
No. They just squabble for few minutes and are then fine. Not every strain and line of a breed is the same is more of my point. Just because something is true in your birds does not make it a universal truth. I just pointed that out in a clumsy way.
Ohk I see, but I was just trying to tell the guy that oegbs are a lot scrappier than serama, it's in their breed standards at any rate.
Got some hay in the pen finally!!! The game bantams, silkies, Cochin bantams, quail, & the goose are all hayed down. I've another bale coming in sometime this week to give to the laying hens and rooster.
Hi all, could anyone point me in the direction of some blue, black, or splash birds (any age) or hatching eggs? I've been trying to find some locally and my luck has been abysmal.

If you are looking for show type Old English Google "Poultry Press" , you can get a sample copy (might have to call for that) you can subscribe online (this is what i do) there is another world inside the Poultry Press ..... and you will find plenty of good Old English contacts .
If you are just looking for Old English yard birds go on your local craigslist and i usually see some just about every time i look .

Best of Luck
Does any body know when a Birchan Marans rooster starts to breed
Go ask that question on the Marans thread.
For the folks asking about penning the males together I use 16x16x6 pens for males both for growing and holding pens. I have no problems with this they will spar a bit when adding or removing birds to establish a pecking order but that is often over with in a few minutes. I often have as many as 40 males both cocks and cockerels in those pens.
Thought I might share a photo of one of my male line Birchen Males from this year, I dubbed him just a few days before this was taken but he is healing up nicely now.


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