Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

The crele is from the duckwing family making it a BB Red with the barred gene added. The brown red is from the crow wing family. I have about 30 girls that look like the first one I'm having a hard time with what I'm keeping to breed from.
What a difficult decision. I don't envy you there.

Im into rosecombs and am hatching wheaten/blue wheaten now. I read your earlier post where you were discussing hatching hundreds of birds for those few keepers. I have tried to improve on a small scale for the past couple years and I am now "getting it" I got a super nice pullet last year from my blacks and I got a couple PQ and everything inbetween. I, too, am concerned about re-homing 100's of birds that I would have to grow out at my dad's place as I just don't have the room but am now realizing it's the only way to go if you wanna get serious.

Your crele females are not so different from where I want to be. I love that muscular look and superb feather quality... no wimpy birds here

last year's 1 nice gal
Do OEGB chicks feather out faster than most? ihave one and i am thinking
A.) its a boy
B.) He feathers out really fast.
got some eggs from top breeders in the bator'! i will post pics when they hatch on Saturday
the colors are

red pyle
WHITE MUFFED!? can you believe I found someone with these?!

self blue
ginger red
and silver fawn duckwing
I think thats bought' it
Dear Henleyhatchery,

Really would like to see then thar chicks at several months of age seems like you are adding so many birds that you are going to lose tract or just go crazy with all them thar birds . How are ya going to do it ?
LOL I do this every year. I get hatching eggs raise them, then show them then either breed them or sell them. I do this as an income and because I love it, so I raise very good birds. I have 24 eggs growing(he sent 35(i think?)) I will probably hatch around 15 because they don't all hatch. I get and hatch a very large amount right now so they will be adults by fall shows.
LOL hope I answered your questions.
Because I have a small space, but want a big variety, I'm considering making my flock mainly bantams, so I can have a bigger number...so I am researching different types. I love the look of the Old English Game, and that they come in so many colors. My chickens are more for a food supply than pet/showing, so I am wondering, how well do they lay? I know the eggs are small, but do they lay at a decent rate? I also hear that they go broody--which is good, I want hens to raise chicks for me, but how broody are we talking? Would I have a hard time getting enough eggs because they are ALWAYS broody, or is it just a sometimes thing?
These are the first chicks of the year from my BB Red show cock, Scooter (and his hens), who is from the Andy Barnes bloodline.




and here's the old man, Scooter.



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