Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

yea the sunburn doesnt bother me. im currently raising some of their offspring so cant wait for them to get big to see what they look like.

that yellowing didnt start coming in until it was mature did it? my d'uccle was fully mature when this happened and its only on the exposed top of the feathers and no wheres else
the rooster was already tinted when i got him but the 2 hens have no tint. the 2 hens are around 8months but the rooster has got to be a year plus because his spurs had just started coming to a point when i got the trio.
Very cute pics all!

I have to say I've only had my little OEGB chicks for about a week now and they are the cutest little things I've ever seen. I am used to my families chickens and helping to raise them (Silkies) and I think OEGB are just tough little guys! I have had some very minor issues with them such as gasping when we first got home, that was fixed by giving sugar water.

Now, Is it normal...

At a week old to be "Play fighting?" I just went out and checked them, and they were all chest bumping eachother! I have 3 roosters and 3 hens in there. It was too adorble for words.
Yes, Mine started "play fighting" at one wk too. It is cute, but not just playing they really are finding out who is in charge! only my OEGB's started this early.
here you can see the yellowing on my self blue d'uccle all depends on the lighting (time and date are correct)

in this one you dont see it really
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These are my black and wheaton oegb pairs, the lemon blue and brown red pair is my dads. I recently got them from a breeder/shower and have some eggs in the incubator from them.What do you'all think?

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