Hello Chicken People!!!!


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2023
My name is Laurie and I live in VT. I have had a few chickens for several years and decided to go big this year after getting scammed trying to buy chickens. I have Lavender and Buff Orpingtons, Black Australops, Brown Leghorns, Speckled Sussex, Isbars, Marans, and Whiting true Blues. I also have Bourbon Red Turkey's. I want to do right by my fowl so I am looking forward to all the insite and knowledge I can gain from all of you!!!!
My name is Laurie and I live in VT. I have had a few chickens for several years and decided to go big this year after getting scammed trying to buy chickens. I have Lavender and Buff Orpingtons, Black Australops, Brown Leghorns, Speckled Sussex, Isbars, Marans, and Whiting true Blues. I also have Bourbon Red Turkey's. I want to do right by my fowl so I am looking forward to all the insite and knowledge I can gain from all of you!!!!
Welcome to BYC!!

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