Hello chicken world.


Oct 7, 2021
SW Virginia, USA
Hi. I'm a chicken newbie in SW Virginia, USA.

My flock came to me in August from some folks who were moving - 2 Golden Comet & 1 ISA Brown hens of unknown age, and 7 Columbian Wyandotte pullets hatched around Easter 2021. So far I've been keeping them in a couple mobile coops (that are too small) with electric netting. We have lots of predators up here in the Blue Ridge mountains (from raccoons and coyotes, to black bears and eagles). The hubby is going to be building a larger coop soon (always rain or another project coming up). Roughly half of the flock is laying on the regular, I plan to harvest a few hens this winter to make room for chicks (interested in Speckled Sussex & Buckeyes mostly, but also colorful eggs). I'd like to try playing with genetics someday.

I left the corporate world about a year ago to start a homestead in the mountains with my husband and elderly mutt. In addition to chicken keeping, I also enjoy gardening, cooking, baking, crafting, and finding creative ways to reuse things. I hope to be adding some goats and meat rabbits to our 7 acres in the next few years. Until then, it's working on neglected home maintenance, and trying to find homes for all the plants I end up with.

I've been enjoying lurking here for the past few weeks, the forums remind me of "the old internet!"
Welcome! Anytime you want to share pictures of your flock we would love to see them! AND your plants--I LOVE to garden :)
I have work to do before it's picture worthy. The prior owners just left the garden, beds, and greenhouse. Winter and early spring was pulling 4 year old saplings out with the truck. Anything we didn't get to was 6ft tall weeds. Blackberry and wild roses are a pain.
I have work to do before it's picture worthy. The prior owners just left the garden, beds, and greenhouse. Winter and early spring was pulling 4 year old saplings out with the truck. Anything we didn't get to was 6ft tall weeds. Blackberry and wild roses are a pain.
I feel like my whole outside life is a work in progress :) but totally understand.
Hello, and welcome! Good luck with your flock! Build strong against the predator's, including anchoring thing's down good because I have heard that hungry bear's can push coops over to get a meal.
We caught a bear checking out the chicken pen on a trail camera pretty early on. I'm hoping it will continue to avoid the shock when times are leaner. I've heard of bears ripping cars apart to get at food inside!

I really enjoy having the gals on fresh pasture every week. I hope we can keep up our mobile setup. Such rich eggs too!

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