Hello Everyone!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 12, 2011
My name is Julio and I wanted to introduce myself and say hello. My fondest memories were of my grandmother raising chickens, cows, and planting her own vegetables. I have always wanted to do the same with my family. I finally got the chance to do it here in Florida. I have had my chickens for about 9 months now. Currently I have Buff Orpington, Americana, Rhode Island Red, Silkies, BB Red, Barred Rock, Serama, Royal Palm Turkey's and Ducks. In total about 70 chickens. I first learned about backyard chickens from a chicken swap I attended at Hilltop Farms. I enjoy taking care of my chickens and gardening and anything that has to do with the outdoors. I love to do things the old fashion way. I am married and have three children 13, 8 and 7 and a dog (Bishon Frise). I hope to have a chance to meet and/or chat with you and learn more about chickens.

Kind regards,


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