Hello everyone!


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 13, 2013
I am a new member here and I am also an "urban" chicken keeper. I plan to move to the country side when I am done with school and have a small farm full of rescue animals.

I am a nursing student (I'll have my RN in one more year!) but farming and animals are my passion. My small city plot is vacated by 4 hens (all silkies) and a 300 sq foot garden (strawberries, tomatoes, green beans, carrots, watermelon, potatoes and lettuce.) my girls are beautiful and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I feel so good when I get to come home and see all my happy animals waiting for me.

I also have a Pomeranian rescue that is the love of my life, and two cats that I never wanted but I now love very much.

I have a boyfriend who I have been with for nearly 5 years. He works as an apprentice gunsmith.

I am also an avid animal activist and I volunteer for my local humane association, as well as a few small scale rescues, and the small scale rescue I run in my home. Many people ask me why I decided to go into human medicine (nursing) and not animal medicine. I say, "humans are animals!" regardless of species we all need to be loved, protected, and taken care of!

I'm so happy to have found backyard chickens. I hope it doesn't eat up all of my free time! I have a 4.0 to maintain!! Ha ha ha!!
Welcome to BYC!!!
Glad to have you aboard!!
You may have to configure a way for the computer to lock you out - to limit your time spent here. I am addicted and end up surfing the threads till 4 or 5 am. It can happen to anyone.

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