Hello fellow chicken lovers!


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2015
Bulls Gap, TN
I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself. I just began raising chickens. On of my friends told me about this amazing website and said I could gain a lot of great information here. I'm so looking forward to chatting with all of you! I only have five chickens right now, but hope to get just a few more at some point. I live in TN on 32 acres. My chickies free range during the day, but go in at night (or else I would worry to death about them!). I look forward to future conversations!
Welcome to BYC!
Hope we can answer all your questions and ease your concerns, and as most chicken people know it always starts with 5 but ends up a great deal more :) Have Fun!
Nice to meet you and welcome im also new here we raise orpington and have a few other breeds sussex brahma and welsomer and id like to get a few cute silkie and showgirls just for fun
Thank you! I don't know what mine are. I have a banty rooster and hen with feathered feet, and my 3 big girls who are adorable. I've raised them since they were chicks and I guess they are now teenagers? I purchased them in March. I look forward to all the info and friendship this place provides.
Thank you! I don't know what mine are. I have a banty rooster and hen with feathered feet, and my 3 big girls who are adorable. I've raised them since they were chicks and I guess they are now teenagers? I purchased them in March. I look forward to all the info and friendship this place provides.
We might be able to help yo identify your birds if you want ^^
Welcome to the BYC flock. You can post photos of your birds at "what breed or gender is this?" We would love to see them and take a guess as well
Unfortunately, I'm am very technologically impaired. I can take photos with my phone, but don't know how to transfer them to the computer. I have a Samsung phone and a Mac (kind of older Mac). Any advice?
Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!


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