Hello Folks!

Chris Yow

In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 31, 2014
Pensacola, FL (Ensley)
Chris here from Pensacola, FL. I bought my house in March of last year. Too late, I realized how fun it would be to raise some chickens like my grandpa used to do on the farm. I discovered that outside city limits, you had to have at least an acre of land to raise chickens. The city passed an ordinance that allowed backyard chickens, but the county hadn't. I was very sad. :-(

However, I just recently discovered that in August, backyard chicken enthusiasts of the county successfully petitioned the county to vote on an ordinance allowing chicken raising in all residential zones. Now I'm very, very happy! :)

It's been a long time since I was on the farm helping my grandpa with chickens. And there is a whole new world of chicken raising than he was interested in. So I am excited to reacquaint myself with chicken raising and learn all kinds of new stuff. I'm especially excited to get to pick out the perfect breed(s) for me.

Right now, I'm looking for some easy and cheap coop ideas to get me started with plans to upgrade along the way.

Glad to be here. Look forward to discovering new friends.

--Chris from Pensacola

Hello Chris and welcome to BYC!

You have come to the right place for great info!. Start by doing some reading in our learning center here on BYC. Lots of great reads on all the aspects of keeping poultry.....


You can stop by our coop pages for lots of great ideas on all kinds of coops from our members....


Lots of great breeds out there that are friendly, docile and great layers. Take a look at these 2 external breeds pages for lots of great info...



Great to have you aboard and if you have any other questions, that is what we are here for!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Great to hear that you are now allowed chickens! Nice when they laws are actually changed in favor of the chickens, have you checked the Laws forum if your county is listed, if not you might want to add the current ordinance https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/3/Laws/tag/florida-ordinances/ TwoCrows gave you some great links to get you started on your coop build and breed selection, good luck with your projects! Oh, and you might like to check out the general Florida state thread for neighbors https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/305793/florida-always-sunny-side-up
Good luck with your chicken raising adventures, and I hope you find everything you need to know! Glad to have you with us. Don't forget to take a look at BYC's very useful learning center (If you haven't already)!
It is the best place to go for advice!
Welcome. I am also new and on the lookout for inexpensive coops. I'm not very handy so have been on the lookout for pre-loved coops. Hope you have gold luck. :)

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