Hello Friendly Chicken Folks!

You just might get your mom addicted to chickens!

You got it - she did seem *pretty anxious* to help!

I have a hunch that I'll be ordering more chicks before the summer is over with . . .
Your mom might be in love with the little fluffballs by the time you get home Friday night - she may not let you take them!
I have an update!

All this worry and fuss and it turns out that things are going to work out pretty well, after all!

We won't have to leave the house until 9:30 am for closing stuff, so that is nice because: I talked to my post office lady and she said the truck will be in at 6 am! She told me to come on by at 6:30 and pick them up! Yeah! At least I can get them all set up and watch them for a couple hours to make sure everything is ok before I leave.

This is such a relief to me!

I can't wait for my little Buff Orpingtons and Red Stars!!
We better see some pics of those lil ones now that you have all of our attention. I'm so glad to hear that all is worked out. Love those babies for us as well. Congratulations on the babies and the house.

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