Hello from Abilene, Tx


Jul 7, 2015
New member here. I had chickens growing up, but after I got married I lost touch with the country living. Last September my daughter turned 15 and for her birthday she wanted chickens.We have enjoyed our chickens ever since. Don't ask me why a 15 yo in the middle of the city wanted chickens, but I'm glad she did. It has brought back memories and has given us something to enjoy together. It gets her off the cell phone/computer for a while each day as well. Our neighbors enjoy the free eggs as well.Looking forward to the BYC group...
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! It's lovely to hear that your family is enjoying keeping chickens. It really is a great hobby that the whole family can enjoy. We have quite a few younger members here on BYC who keep chickens and other fowl too. It's nice to read it was your daughter was the one who wanted chickens and as you say gets them outside and into some fresh air!! I think it's great for children to learn some responsibility for a living animal. It really can bring out the best in them.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your chicken adventures in the future.
Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
New member here. I had chickens growing up, but after I got married I lost touch with the country living. Last September my daughter turned 15 and for her birthday she wanted chickens.We have enjoyed our chickens ever since. Don't ask me why a 15 yo in the middle of the city wanted chickens, but I'm glad she did. It has brought back memories and has given us something to enjoy together. It gets her off the cell phone/computer for a while each day as well. Our neighbors enjoy the free eggs as well.Looking forward to the BYC group...


Ditto for us as well.. Our neighbors love the egg's and our duck's.. I hope you get to meet more chicken folk around you & inspire more neighbors.. Have you looked for the Texas thread? what breeds did you get?
Americauna wheat, Austrolop, Buff Orpington, and Gold Wyondot. I also have in a separate coop the blue Ameracauna; two roosters and a hen.
How nice that your daughter came up with the idea, it is so nice when families get involved in a project. So glad you joined the Backyard chickens flock
Welcome to BYC!

Great to hear your DD wanted poultry and got the whole family involved. It sounds as though you have a lovely flock, feel free to share a photo if you'd like (pictures are fun for everyone).

If you have any questions, just ask...there is a lot of information available here and a lot of helpful, friendly members.

Nice to have you join us!

P.S. Here is a link to help you get to the TX state thread if you'd like to drop by and say hello:
Hi there guy,

Looking to join this community also just getting started in building my chicken coop to house 4 chickens. I hope my 6yr son will enjoy the chickens as much as your 15 yr old. *thumbs up!*

Quick question, any idea what the limit of chickens is in our area? I Can't seem to find it anywhere. Seems as if it's an unlimited amount as long as they have all the space needed to roam and don't cause too much noise.


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