Hello from alberta Canada

it is several roosters isn't it. We are not going to be hatching anything out probably till the spring so at that point we will decide if we will cross breed or like you said have seperated pens for breeding. we dont have any intention of selling anything a this point but may change our mind by then... right now we are just enjoying the selection of what we have

You want to be careful about the ratio of roosters to hens that you have, as too many roosters can create a lot of problems in your flock. The recommended ratio is 1 rooster for every 10 hens. I currently have 25 hens, no roosters, and I get loads of eggs without feeding any non-egg laying mouths, without the aggression, fights, crowing in the middle of the night, and over-bred and battered hens that frequently goes along with having roosters (especially too many of them). I realize for breeding you need a rooster, but I would strongly recommend sticking with the 10 to 1 ratio. Good luck with your roosters.
Welcome to BYC! I am also from Alberta- near Edmonton! There are quite a few of us on here.
We're relatively new to the backyard chicken world and are a little chicken crazy as well! We are going to also buy an incubator shortly but will be buying hatching eggs as we don't want roosters around. Let me know
if you find any good local sources!
May- July picture butte auction has a once a month odd and unusual sale and a lot of chicken/bird breeders bring beautiful and exotic birds for sale. All sorts of heritage breeds of chickens, quail, guinea fowl, ducks, peacocks, and all sorts of great stuff. You might have to come down and check it out sometime
Alberta Poultry, Small Animal & Farm Supply Fall Swap Meet & Sale 2014

Saturday, October 18th, 2014
Linda Hall (South of Stettler, AB east off HWY 56 on the Linda Hall Road)
Public Sale 10am - 4 pm

Chickens - Waterfowl - Game Birds - Peafowl - Rabbits - Sheep - Goats - Miniature Livestock - Produce - Baked Goods - Crafts - Poultry/Small Farm Supplies and more!


(Vendor spaces/tables $25 each; livestock outside, produce, crafts, baked goods and more inside Linda Hall. Limited spaces available, book now to avoid disappointment. All monies collected through vendor fees assist in covering expenses such as hall rental, advertising and related items. Vendor access to site from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm. Register at i0895.wix.com/diversifarm#!swap-sale-registration/c9ly )

For more information including confirmed items visit http://www.facebook.com/events/1478669069072142
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