Hello from Australia


Oct 12, 2020
I am new posting here, but have been using the site for advice for a while now!
I live in Australia, but am from England, we moved here 4 years ago.
I got my first chicken from a county show when I was 12- we were there to compete (horses) and my mum was with me, we fell in love with a blue pekin we named Fleur, and brought her home, much to my Dad’s surprise...Then of course my sister needed one (she got a little quail cross, I can’t remember the breed) and it just grew from there. My mum became quite a collector/rescuer and ended up with a huge flock.
Once I left home I have kept a few chickens on and off, depending on circumstances. Now I have a nice little flock made up of an Old English Game bantam, a Hamburg, two black Leghorn hens and a cockerel, and eight lovely ISA browns who were rescued from a “barn eggs” farm and their age for slaughter (18 months!)
The bantam has just hatched 6 eggs (none of them hers!) so I also have 6 three week old chicks.
We are lucky enough to have some land so they have a lovely life scratching around the bush, and have been a healthy bunch except for one rescue who arrived with scaly leg mite.
I love watching them interact, and that they run to greet me when I call (the barn girls were perplexed by this to start with!)
I found BYC googling how to deal with the scaly leg mite, and have joined now because my poor rooster has a problem that I will post about in the appropriate place (if I can find it!)
So hi to all you knowledgeable chicken lovers, you have been a source of great information for me!

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