
In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2018
Hello everyone,

This is ElGalloMoron from Bristol, UK, but original from the south of Spain. I'm quite new in keeping chickens and I am enjoying the experience immensely.

More than one year ago, I bought a second hand coop on eBay (one of those arks from Forsham that now belong to Omlet), I sand it and gave it a good treatment and once ready, not being able to wait for the place I had got in mind where to buy my chickens, I drove off to the only place open on that Saturday evening and I chose my three girls from a bunch of them with no explanation from the seller. And from then my three girls, Pippi, Ginger and Lola have being with me and have found their place in this family.

My girls are hybrids, good layers and the three of them different to each other. Pippi is the bigger and is a kind of moron in two colours black and white. Lola was always the more alive, the leader, and is black with certain brilliant green tones under the sun light. According to the web she could be something close to a Rhode Rock. And Ginger is, well, ginger and it is being kind of the sweet girl and the smaller/thinner. She could be a golden splecked or something like that. As said I am enjoying them a lot.

To say that initially I wanted 4, one girl per family member, but my wife insisted in convince me that three were enough. Two weeks ago I built a massive chicken run with dog run panels. And now my plan is to upgrade the coop (seeking for a second hand bargain!) in order to increase my flock to five or six, so two or three new girls. I know it will be not that easy...

Oh, Lola is loosing the feathers and that take me by surprise. I didn't know they are going through that process once a year! I'm fighting hard the red mites too. Yesterday I bought a lovely set of galvanized feeders/drinkers... As you can see I have got plans of growing up the hobbie but, let's take it easy, family is always first and my free time with two little ones is no too big.

Hope to have a good time sharing in here with you all. Great to meet you all!

(Please meet my girls and my place below)
Thank you,
I've got the feeling I'm in the right place to learn a lot and keeping myself enjoying this spreadely share adventure :)

Ps. I forgot to mention what is maybe obvious: English is not my mother language and as a creative person sometimes I can be to much creative and hard to be followed. Sorry :D

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