Hello from Bristolville, Ohio


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
This is our first time raising chickens. We bought them March 14 and really didn't know to much about raising chickens. I have read a lot on your website and asked lots of questions from friends that have chickens. We have 5 tetra tints and 7 golden comets. Tomorrow they will be 15 weeks old and we are already getting eggs from two of our golden comets. Today we were very excited as we went out to check on our girls we notticed one of them in the nesting box. She stood up and dropped an egg!!! We were thrilled!!!
Looking forward to learning more about raising chickens!!!!
wow 2 of your golden comets are already laying eggs? did you switch their feed to laying feed or are they still on starter feed?
I just bought layer feed yesterday!
Yesterday my husband was out cleaning the coop he moved a piece of plywood that was leaning against the wall and behind it was 3 eggs. We threw them out because we didnt know how long they were there. Then as he was cleaning one of the girls came out from behind the piece of plywood he looked behing it and sure enough there was an egg back there! Of course my 5 year old son had to have me cook it for him. Then this morning at about 10 am we had one and then around 2 pm there was another egg!!!!! We thought we had at least another 4 weeks before we got eggs.

Hi and :welcome

Wow, that's amazing. Your girls really did start early. :p
You can check for egg freshness by seeing if they float in water (if they do, they're bad - at least I think it's that way round. :lol:)

It's always hilarious seeing what place the hens have found to lay last. :lau

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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