Hello from Canada!


5 Years
Feb 16, 2014
I'm sure I made an intro thread when I first joined long ago, but its been a while since I was last here so I will post another =)

I'm a hobby breeder of button quail, I have just one bonded pair of buttons who exhibit exceptional parenting skills! My rooster is extremely aggressive and territorial so it surprised me that he turned out to be such a great 'husband' and father lol. He has been with us for several years and quite frankly wouldn't be afraid of an armor plated sabertooth cat so hes pretty chill when it comes to human contact. My new female on the other hand is extremely wild, and I think I have that to thank for her wonderful motherly instincts. She will nest, and incubate her own eggs, and guard them fiercely. In all my years with buttons she is the first hen I've ever seen with this instinct still in tact which is so exciting.

Lemon and Lando have had two successful clutches, the second hatched just 3 days ago. I removed her last clutch and raised them in a brooder box, but my rooster has been such a good father, (even finding chicks that stray and letting them hang out in his feathers until they warm up enough to be lead back to the nest - insert 'awwww!' here) that I'm going to see how they bring them up on their own this time.

My chicks go to a local pet store, where they are happy to receive them, as buttons are very rare in my area. Most people have never even heard of them here. I would love to have backyard chickens again (I used to as a child) but we just dont have the room, so buttons will have to do for now!

Happy to be back.
Hello :frow and Welcome Back To BYC! Buttons are such cute little birds, such tiny chicks.

Welcome to BYC!

What an adorable avatar of the Button chick! I have hatched Bobwhites in the past, and I know they are pretty tiny, but wow, Buttons are super tiny! Cute as a Button!!!

Make yourself at home here on BYC and enjoy all of your babies!

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