Hello from Charlotte!


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 20, 2013
Charlotte, NC
Hello all! My name is Stephanie and I have just started raising my first urban flock in Charlotte, NC! I have six 2.5-week-old chicks (purchased straight run from a local farm): 2 australorp, 1 polish, and what i was told are an araucana and two comets (although I have my doubts about the their breeds, will post pics soon to see what y'all think). Hoping to get at least three pullets in the bunch, roos will be returning to the farm (not allowed in my neighborhood). I am in the process of building a coop using the garden ark plans- right now they are guest-bathroom chickens rather than backyard chickens :) I love this site and am excited to officially be part of the "flock"!
Welcome to the crazy world of chickens! I have been researching and learning so much from this site for months. I ordered my first flock last week. So exciting!

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