Hello from Del Rio, TX


9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
I've been raising chickens for 2 years. I tool up this hobby when I moved from Chicago. I am a kidney dialysis patient, so this what I do on days that I am home. We have about 65 chickens. I have leghorns, barred rock, R.I. reds and some jungle fowl that was given to us from a friend of the family. When the friend was moving into the city she gave the j. fowl to us. I try to get out to the coop when I am feeling good but it can be so darn hot outside.
hi, and welcome from sunny California :) Im your friend from the IHD forum
This here is just the greatest place for learning and sharing and getting your mind off the 'D'. Good to see you here. I've been absent for a bit, but thats just cause i know it all now..lol RIGHT!!
see ya round

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