Hello from East TN!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 28, 2014
East Tennessee
I joined Back Yard Herd in February and have really enjoyed that site - it didn't take me long to realize I was missing out by not joining BYC. We're aspiring market growers building up an acre and a half in East TN with two dairy does ready to breed this fall, two beehives, and an overly ambitious vegetable patch. We also have an English setter, a corgi mix, a cavalier King Charles spaniel, and unofficial ownership of the neighbor's cat.

Which brings me to our new (first ever) chicken experience. We've been incubating eggs from a breeder friend and have had a very exciting hatch this week with 13 chicks: 5 Chanteclers, 4 British Cream Legbars, 3 Black Copper Marans, 1 Lavender Ameraucana. (I really need 2 of something so I can sing the Twelve Days of Christmas to that.

I'm looking forward to learning a great deal from this community.

Congrats on the hatch! How egg-citing!

So glad you could join on here. If you have any questions, fee free to ask.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy those new babies!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on the successful hatch! Why don't you just give into chicken math and get the whole Twelve Days Of Christmas, chicken version ....

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