Hello from Florida


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2022
Hello all. I’m happy to finally be a contributing member and to learn from the folks here. My wife and three kids and I have 3/4 of an acre in Central Florida. Our hobby is gardening and raising chickens and we are just getting into raising runner ducks as well.

We have 13 chickens and 6 runner ducks and they are all very sweet animals. We’ve done our best to socialize them since they were young and so all are pretty friendly, though the ducks are a little skittish. Thanks for letting us be members here!

Welcome to BYC from St. Louis, Missouri! I have Indian Runner Ducks too! Ours are Penciled Indian Runner Ducks. They are my favorite breed of all my ducks. We handle ours daily to take them out of their predator proofed stall and take them to their walk in movable pen, and then to bring them back at night. It has helped to make them very friendly, even though it's not really holding them. I do think some of how friendly they are is genetic, but raising them from birth helps.

You'll find a lot of helpful people here for both ducks and chickens! Glad you joined us!

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