hello from Florida


6 Years
Nov 14, 2013
Florida's Treasure Coast
Hello from Sebastian, FL. I am new to raising chickens, and as a matter of fact I don't even have my chickens yet.

I am getting 2 of the sentinel chickens used to detect West Nile Virus, but I have no idea at this time what breed they are.

My husband is building my coop next weekend, then I can bring my girls home.

I will need lots of help and advice I'm sure, do I'm glad I found this community.

I'm married and an office manager for an automotive repair shop. I have 2 cats, who I hope will tolerate my chickens. For hobbies I love to read and make projects and cards using rubber stamps.

Hello from Sebastian, FL. I am new to raising chickens, and as a matter of fact I don't even have my chickens yet.

I am getting 2 of the sentinel chickens used to detect West Nile Virus, but I have no idea at this time what breed they are.

My husband is building my coop next weekend, then I can bring my girls home.

I will need lots of help and advice I'm sure, do I'm glad I found this community.

I'm married and an office manager for an automotive repair shop. I have 2 cats, who I hope will tolerate my chickens. For hobbies I love to read and make projects and cards using rubber stamps.

Hello Becky and welcome to BYC I'm sure you will find a wealth of information here, but be selective about which advice you take - it is all meant with good intentions, but not always based on sound science! Enjoy your hens, they are much pleasure for me as well. I have 13 hens and 2 roos. This is my first flock and most of what I know I have learned from BYC and a few other poultry websites. Good Luck to you
Welcome to BYC

Chickens are fun to have. Setting up the coop right will help. There is no egg like the home grown ones. Have fun and best of luck to you

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