Hello from Fruita, Co.

oh man it has been a journey from last year until now. I know you can relate.
It's great to be here and I'm happy to spend more time with my family. I'm also starting to really appreciate the support and the accessibility provided for me. It's nice to hear a positive comment like yours..I'm glad your recovery went well. It's funny that these few chicks have offered me so much therapy. And that's also how I feel about gardening.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3 everybody winds up with stuff they wish they had done differently, there are entire threads on it.
You could post pictures in the What Breed forum for help in figuring out what your mystery chicks are, https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this if you have cornish x meat birds that you want to keep as pets rather than process them, they should be on a restricted diet etc pretty soon to give them the best chance.
There are some nice threads about keeping chickens cool in summer heat, ie https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/788391/keeping-chickens-cool-in-summer-heat
Hope your back continues to improve.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3 everybody winds up with stuff they wish they had done differently, there are entire threads on it.
You could post pictures in the What Breed forum for help in figuring out what your mystery chicks are, https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this if you have cornish x meat birds that you want to keep as pets rather than process them, they should be on a restricted diet etc pretty soon to give them the best chance.
There are some nice threads about keeping chickens cool in summer heat, ie https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/788391/keeping-chickens-cool-in-summer-heat
Hope your back continues to improve.

Hi kelsie
Thank you so much for the links and ill definitely post some pics. Unfortunately the chicks were intended for eggs and pets. I wish I had done more research before purchasing but we already have some takers for a wholesome fed meat bird. I suppose ill have to break down and give them away to slaughter if they are broilers. I've got a good inclination as they love to lay down a lot and already have the thick stumpy leg waddle to them. Havnt made much improvement in the spinal cord area and can't feel my legs as of yet. The spinal cord wasn't severed just bruised so I stil have hope
Thank u kelsie
:welcome   Cornish x  meat breeds are programmed to growth very fast and be processed early. If you keep the amount of feed down somewhat and feed 12 hours on and 12 off, you may be able to extend their life.  Also move the feed farther away so they have to exercise to get some.

Their explosive growth quickly overtaxes their organs so is not slaughtered they usually die young regardless.  Not the best  examples for pets. Are your children young enough that you could trade the meat birds for some other breed?

Hello Ceceuu
Thanks for the info! I got the chicks from the local co-op and My son is only two but his bird had a few distinguished traits we point out so he knows which girl is his. Hopefully his chicken( which he named 'House') turns out to be a breed that lives longer.
oh man it has been a journey from last year until now. I know you can relate.
It's great to be here and I'm happy to spend more time with my family. I'm also starting to really appreciate the support and the accessibility provided for me. It's nice to hear a positive comment like yours..I'm glad your recovery went well. It's funny that these few chicks have offered me so much therapy. And that's also how I feel about gardening.

I can relate to how far you have come and I can tell you have a great attitude. My surgeon told me that 90% of recovery is in the actions and attitude of the patient. And it is not like you can do that much either - a lot of recovery is patience, listening to your own body, pushing yourself enough but not overdoing it. Two steps forward, one step back quite often. I know I grew spiritually during the time I was healing. The best to you. Sounds like you are doing it all right - we just have to stay positive in the moment and find joy every place we can.

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