Hello from GA


In the Brooder
Sep 2, 2017
Harlem, GA
hello y'all

I'm jessica and I am a first time chicken owner. I have six five week old chickens. 2 each of dominques (daisy and pearl) red star (Lilly and peaches) and Easter eggers (opal and hazel) I have to say it has been a real blast with these guys. Never new anything could make me so happy. I joined this site when I googled some questions about chickens and this sight came up. Since then I used this for all my first timer questions, fears and concerns. Trust me there are a lot. You get attached to these little guys and want the best for them. I hope to continue to learn and possibly help others.
Hi there Jessica, Welcome to BYC Sounds like your loving being the chick's momma. I know I sure did. I got mine in April and We just started to get a few eggs from out Easter Egger. They are light blue in color and really small. But everyone that see them likes them and even wants a few. Hope you are working on a coop or already have one built. They get big so fast don't they? Best of luck with your flock.

Yes it is great being a chicken mamma. I love it. We had a coop set up before are little guys arrived they are already living out there full time because our temps are so high it just worked out. They are loving it out there dust bathing and now when they here me coming they run to the door hoping I'll let them free range a little. After two days they where even putting themselves to bed in the coop. Couldn't be happier.
Welcome to Backyardchickens.com aka BYC! :frow
We are glad you joined our flock.

This video will help you learn how to navigate this site:
Welcome to BYC and hello from TN! I too joined for the same reason as you, answers to all the questions that kept me up at nights.
Glad you love being a chicken momma! It truly is a wonderful thing. I adopted 2 moms with chicks in April and have since expanded 3 times! Never knew these ladies would have me so happy!

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