Hello from Kansas


5 Years
Aug 22, 2014
Randolph, KS
I joined this site a few days ago, however, I have been busy with one of my gals who had egg yolk peritonitis. She died on Saturday night and she was not the first to do so. My hubby and I have been raising chickens for 4 years now and he likes the white leghorns the best, while I like them all. We have one Plymouth Barred Rock that mades a sound like a goose. We are not sure if it is one of her warning calls or if it just her voice as she is only 4 months old. We like watching the chickens and getting to know that personalities. Until the chicks went through moult last year we had so many eggs that the local Breadbasket volunteers got to know us very well. After moult, they didn't lay so much so we added to the flock in the spring. Now the young ones are starting to lay and I know that soon we will be running over with eggs again. And that is okay, as our local farmer's market staff has asked us to join them on the weekend.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about the loss of your hens :hugs hope the rest of your flock starts laying well and you get lots of eggs!
Lots of eggs will happen. We have learned to dehydrate eggs and we take those when we go camping, so we don't have to worry about keeping the eggs cold or breaking them.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry about your hen and the peritonitis.
It is never easy to lose them.

I have some 4 month old Plymouth Barred Rocks that are honking like geese. LOL So I would say your girl is ok. The voices should start to sound more like a hens voice after they start laying.

Enjoy all your adventures with your flock and welcome to ours!
Thank you for the "Welcomes" everyone. I wish I could have captured on video the look on my 3 year old orange tabby when she heard the chicken honk. It was one of pure surprise.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Sorry for the loss of your bird. Hopefully the others stay healthy and happy!
Glad you joined us!

Feel free to ask lots of questions! We're all here to help.

I'm sorry for the loss of your hen. Good luck with the rest of the flock!

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