Hello from Kilimanjaro.

glad you have joined us.
Maybe someone could help me, I have a 4 week old chick who started tucking her head down and walking backwards, it almost looks like she's trying to dig at her feathers underneath but there's nothing there, no diarrhea, no evident trauma, I've separated her from the rest but she's not acting right, I'm not sure if it's wry neck but if anyone has had something similar or might know what this is it would be a big help!
Maybe someone could help me, I have a 4 week old chick who started tucking her head down and walking backwards, it almost looks like she's trying to dig at her feathers underneath but there's nothing there, no diarrhea, no evident trauma, I've separated her from the rest but she's not acting right, I'm not sure if it's wry neck but if anyone has had something similar or might know what this is it would be a big help!
Hi there, I would post right away in the Emergency section for best results: https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/10/emergencies-diseases-injuries-and-cures

What breed of chickens do you raise? Feel free to share a photo if you'd like, pictures are always fun to see.

It's nice to have you here with us!
What breed of chick is she? This is very common in silkies but, found in other breeds we well. Generally it is caused by a bump or peck to the head. Less commonly it can be from a chemical imbalance. My friends silkie cockerel had in very badly he walked backwards, did some break dancing and really freaked her out. It took some time to bring him through it but, she had him for 5 more years.
I love keeping and learning about chicken life.

Hi and welcome to BYC - glad you have joined us.

The Learning Centre is a great resource, even for experienced chicken keepers - loads of info on anything chicken. https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center

The members here are amazing - very friendly and helpful, so if you need an answer to a question or simply want some reassurance that what you are doing is ok, then post away - we all help each other out here at BYC.

All the best
I am also glad to be here.i am keeping crossed breed a mixature with local.i mostly using free range method also i collect grass,water melon and tomato from farms for my chicken.

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