Hello from Maine


8 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I've been coming to this forum for about a year now, anytime i had a chicken question i knew this was the place. its about time i joined up. My name is Allison, i've been a chicken farmer for a little over a year now. had i known how amazing chickens were i would have had them a long time ago. we have 4 buff orpingtons, 2 RI Reds, 3 barred rocks, 2 brahmas, 2 red stars, 2 welsummers, 1 maran, 1 andalusian, 1 leghorn, 4 wyandottes (2 gold laced, 2 silver laced), 2 golden comets, 1 araucana, and finally 2 unknown chicks that supposedly lay brown eggs although i have a suspicion one might be a lavender araucana. i love my chickens and i love to talk about my chickens! i also have 2 daughters, 6 and 8, and they are pretty good helpers with the chickens. we also have 2 rabbits (Pets), 3 bee hives, a cat and a beagle. oh, and a hamster. i think that about covers it, we live in rural maine and loving it! can't wait to get more active on the forum!

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