Hello from New Brunswick


8 Years
Feb 1, 2013
I have been using this forum as an infomation source since we first got chickens and it feels good to finally get involved. Everyone is so kind and helpful.
We moved from downtown Toronto 5 years ago to rural N.B. and a neighbor gave us some bantams. We were hooked. We built a coop and a big pen and spent many hours enjoying "Chicken TV" . Our flock has evolved over time and we've deciced to stick with heritage breeds. Im lovin' the Chantecler and RIR's are very sweet I am challenged with my Black Australorp rooster. We also have become patrons to 4 muscovy ducks and a couple of pigeons. Everybody pretty much free ranges most of the year. Add the 3 cats and 3 dogs as well as a few rabbits and we're pretty much full up. Until we build a new barn that is.....

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