Hello from New Mexico

Turkey parents

8 Years
Dec 2, 2015
North New Mexico
My wife and I are the proud parents of two turkeys Mars the Bronze Hen is my baby girl, and Jupiter The White Holland Mix is my wife's baby. We are currently writing a book about our lives with these interesting and affectionate birds.

We have a different relationship with these birds than most people and have had some very interesting experiences, from what seems to be dreams they have when roosting to our newest experience that seems to be separation anxiety with Mars not leaving my side after a long stay in town last week. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and look forward to maybe asking a few ourselves
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

And from a fellow New Mexican, so glad you could join our community!! :)

On cold nights Mars and Jupiter sleep with us

You should stop by our Turkey Forums and show off your babies. :)
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These two have the neatest personalities different from each other and have different things they like to eat, they tend to be pickier than humans yet they show love in a way people can't

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