Hello from north Alabama


Feb 6, 2015
Hi all, I am new to this site and pretty new to homesteading all together. My husband and I are originally from the rural St. Louis area and have started a homestead in north Alabama. We started with chickens and now have sheep, bees, pigs, two dogs, and a stray cat that took residency under the shed and keeps down the mice population in our chicken coop. I love the country life and want to learn every thing I can to be successful. Thank you all for allowing me to join your group!
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Hi and welcome to BYC! Sounds like you are off to a great start with your new lifestyle. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

What breed of chickens do you have?

If you would like to connect with other members in AL, you can find them here:

Nice to have you join us!
Hi and thanks for responding. I'm still trying to figure out navigation on this site. I started with a road Island Red rooster and a mixture of Amberlinks and rir hens. I have since added one Americauna hen and roo to the bunch. I now have a mixture of those breeds but it seems the RIR is dominate. I am currently hatching right now. I wish I could figure out how to get my hens to do the hatching!
Right now we have 9 hens and 4 Roos and 3 two month old chicks that I'm not sure of yet. We are also incubating chicks and hope to get more next week.
You really can't "get" hens to sit on eggs. There are some breeds that are noted for being good broodies Silkies, Buff Orps, Cochins - it is a hormonal thing however, you cannot make them go broody . These three breeds seem to get "broody" fever often. When they are, you could even swap out their eggs for some other fertile breeds eggs you would like to hatch. Broodies will hatch and raise them as their own. Chicken folk often keep silkies just for that purpose, though they cannot "cover" as many eggs as larger breeds. They will give it their best shot though.
welcome glad to have you...ask question....see you around.

Welcome to BYC!!! There are loads of members on here…so if you have ANY questions…just ASK!!!

Hope you have loads of fun and all your answers answered here on BYC the BEST CHICKEN KEEPING FORUM on EARTH!!

Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined the "flock."

Good luck with your birds! I hope the hatching goes well.

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