Hello from Northern California


7 Years
Jul 2, 2012
Northern California

My name is Emily and I love chickens! My dad instilled a great love for them every since I was a kid. I even like roosters although one particularly mean one permanently damaged my finger nail...but I still love them.

I have fond memories of watching chicken documentaries with my dad and watching the hens graze the yard.

I tried a few months ago to keep 3 hens but we moved and I ended up giving them to my dad. I cried when I had to give up my girls. I recently purchased a small ranchette and I can have as many chickens as I want now! Within reason of course :)

The property comes with a PERFECT small shed building with a cover than I intend to wire off and create a safe coop for them during days when they can't wander. I am SO excited to get this going FINALLY! I can't wait for fresh eggs and happy hens.

I plan to let the broodies raise some babies on their own and I also want to raise meat chickens because I really would like to be as self sustainable as possible. We also plan to maintain a small herd of boer goats as well as a steer/pig every year or so depending. I feed my dogs raw and the goats will be mainly for them to eat. Of course the humans will gladly share the spoils.

Anyway, that is me! Hope to enjoy this place :)
Welcome to BYC! Good luck converting that shed into a coop for your girls.

Check out BYH ( www.backyardherds.com ) for information about herd animals. It is one of BYC's sister sites.
Hello and welcome to BYC! Nice intro, your dad sounds amazing

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