Hello from Nova Scotia


Apr 16, 2015
Just came across this site while searching for some information about adding a few new chickens to my tiny flock.

I have two hens and a rooster, adopted from a couple who had to get rid of them. Not sure how old they are, I've had them since last September. The whole family has really enjoyed our new pets and so I'm considering adding a few more but don't want to mess with the good thing these chickens have going - they all get along really well and the rooster is every bit as docile as the hens.

Looking forward to reading the boards and gaining some new information :)
Glad you have joined us.

Here's a link to article in Learning Center that may help : https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/adding-to-your-flock

IMO I would add only pullets, most roosters aren't as friendly as yours.

The main thing will be how to integrate new members - most recommend the see but cannot touch method to let them acclimate to each other. Figuring out how you can accomplish separation for a few weeks should help you decide.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Excellent advice and link there for you from sunflour. I too like the look but don't touch method for adding new flock members. Keeping them seperate behind wire so they can become aquainted but can't get to each other. After a few weeks you can intergrate them but supervise them so you can jump in if things get too rough or bloody. Adding extra feed and water stations also helps so birds can't be bullied out of eating and drinking.

Raising chickens can be such a fun family activity and I'm pleased this has worked out well for you and your adopted birds. Wishing you the very best of luck in the future. Be sure to ask any questions everyone here to help and very friendly.
Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Welcome to Backyard chickens - sounds like you really got nice birds especially an amiable rooster. Have the girls been laying yet? Do you know what breeds you have?
Thanks everyone, I've been slowly reading through all the great info here. Learning lots but it's also a bit overwhelming!

I don't know what breeds the birds are but will see if I can attach a photo. I actually just ran into the guy who originally had the chickens before the last couple and he said the hens were a brahma (?) cross. Looks similar to the barred rock photos I've seen here except their legs are feathered
And here's one of the hens....

Not great photos, I'll try and get some close ups this week if it ever stops raining :(
I noticed there is a thread devoted to breed identification, I guess I should try posting there

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