Hello from Ohio!


8 Years
Apr 21, 2011
Katy, TX
Hello everyone!
I've been lurking for a couple days now but finally decided to join. This definitely looks like my kind of place.
I'm a ten year veteran of 4H (Madison County) and did poultry for a good many of those years, winning a few county and state awards along the way. I've had chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, quail, pheasants, and peafowl. I've also dabbled in rabbits, goats, and horses.

Right now I'm in Columbus proper and even though chickens are legal here, we just have two dogs and two cats. I'll be finishing up grad school June 2012, and if all goes right the hubby and I will purchase a few acres next year so I can have my critters. In the meantime, I enjoy my mom's chickens and regularly bring over bags of veggie scraps in exchange for a few dozen eggs. I can't wait to start my own flock though...I'll just live vicariously through everyone here until then!

Welcome to the flock!!!
I have to say sounds like you have this planned out. Do you know what kind of chickens your thinking of getting?

That is a big question.
Short answer is, "I don't know for sure yet". BUT, I am thinking for my egg layers, I want a variety of colors so I'm considering 3 or 4 of each of:
Silver Spangled Hamburgs - had these before and enjoyed them a lot,
Easter Eggers/Americana - whichever I find first,
Black Copper Marans - got some hatchery Cuckoo Marans several years back expecting chocolate colored eggs, but the gals laid brown eggs that weren't noticeably darker than the others. From the brief reading I've done on the BC variety is that they do the really dark ones. I'll splurge for some good stock too.)
Buckeyes - Heritage brown egg-layer native to Ohio, so I'd like to support the local breed. Plus the addition of using the cockerels for roasters is appealing.

For the meat birds, I've only ever raised the standard Cornish X, but I've heard about the Freedom Rangers (I think that is what they are called) and I like that they grow a little slower and do better in a free range environment. I'm thinking of doing 2 dozen of these a year to put in the freezer.

So, yes, I have a plan, but it is subject to change with very short and abrupt notice!

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