Hello from Ontario, Canada!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 8, 2013
We just got our first 4 hens and are super excited about it. They are gorgeous and seem very happy so far. We have a Cochin, a Brahma, a Wyandotte and a Dominique. We have a little temporary coop from a friend and are debating coop styles and runs. They will be free range as much as possible and hoping to fodder feed and supplement with kitchen scraps and some scratch. We will welcome any advice and looking forward to our new homestead with the new little ladies
Welcome and enjoy!
Hello :frow and Welcome to BYC ! Nice little assorted flock you have there, am sure you will have lots of fun with them. X2 on the Learning Center, don't forget to check out the Coops section for ideas, there are dozens of pictures and write up of different kinds BYC members have made.
do you have a lot of predators in your area? If not, they will show up once they discover you have chickens. Everything loves chicken.

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