Hello from Oregon


In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
Hello I'm kinda new to this but have owned before. But this time I'm trying to learn types and breeds etc.
not sure of all my flock yet so I posted in the breed section and will some more to help get answers.

So far what I "should have " is
In the 6-7 week range.
2 Jersey Giants
3 buff orps
3 Cuckoo Marans or????
2 Welsummers
3 maybe 4 Americana or Easter egger ? Not exactly sure
3 Dominique's ?
2 Barred Rocks
But these are up for discussion lol cause I'm still learning and finding chicks weren't exactly marked properly but I guess that's why I am here :)
I also have a pair of light colored Brahmas that are about 1year + give or take.

I am in oregon my chickens have a good sized coop and have about 3 acres on our ranch to roam in a no dogs allowed zone.

I plan to check out some chicken swaps and my 6 yr old wants to start 4h with some chickens as well.

Thanks for your time and hello everyone :)
Welcome to Backyard chickens You can post photos at "what breed or gender if this," you can also post photos here ( one bird per photo is best) and we'll take a crack at them for you.
I can just about guarantee your Americana' s are EASTER EGGERS instead, hatcheries don't seem to care if they misrepresent breeds to the public.
I posted some on that thread and plan on getting more pictures tomorrow.

And yea I've really noticed that so that's why I said both lol I know that I love them either way lol
Thanks Diva I appreciate the info and response ;) and thanks hello to Washington. 20 chickens 2 ducks and 2 turkeys is it bad I kinda want more ?? lol
Thanks Diva I appreciate the info and response ;) and thanks hello to Washington. 20 chickens 2 ducks and 2 turkeys is it bad I kinda want more ?? lol

I have 42 chickens 7 ducks 4 turkey 2 dogs 2 Longhorns and a rabbit. So it could be worse right? Lol. Looks like you already know chicken math. Haha. They are so amazing it's hard to stop. Lol
Lol I feel you there that was the first 3 acres which their neighbors are 2 horses and 2 pigs. Let's not get started on the other 95 acres here. Lol

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