Hello from PA


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
Dover, PA
Hello, my name is Tracy and I am getting ready to start a new adventure, raising chickens. I have a wonderful husband who is willing to let me take on this adventure. I have 2 dogs, Peanut, a 5 year old Jack Russell, Trooper, a 4 year old German Shepherd~~ 3 pygmy goats, Bandit, Sapphire and their baby boy Zeke~~ and 2 crazy, adorable cats, Sophie Mae and Hailey Rayne. Oh yeah I also have 3 children, none of which are to fond of my adventures but they don't live here so it don't matter.
Greetings from Kansas, Tracy, and
! Great to have you with us! Best of luck to you and your critters!! What kinds are chickens are you going to get?
Not really sure yet, I am in the process of getting a coop and stuff, have lots of ideas but still have questions too.
Hi Tracy, welcome to BYC. I'm in NE Ohio, and if you decide on Silkies, I can start you off with some beautiful young cockerels. I have 8 young roos I need to find loving homes for, PM me if interested, I can post pics.

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