Hello from Petaluma


In the Brooder
Nov 10, 2015
Hi all, I'm Sheri, new to BYC forums and new to backyard chickens. I've been reading a lot on the forums and throughout the site and have learned a lot. Thanks to all of you who take time to share your knowledge.

I had a very sad day today as I realized one of my older hens was breathing, gasping, through her mouth. I came here and found some good ideas on clearing her nostrils and made a vet appointment, but when we wrapped her in a towel and put her in a box to take to the vet she suddenly wriggled, stopped breathing and died on the spot. It all just happened so fast. I even tried CPR but she was gone. I feel like a chicken murderer. I'm hoping that at the least I will learn something from this and do better in the future. :-(

Anyway, sadly that's my introduction to BYC. I hope to have better news to share in the future. Thank you all again for the great stories, info, etc. I have three hens left and hope, with your help, to keep them alive and well for a good long time!
Hi Sheri, welcome to BYC (I wish it were under happier circumstances).

I'm so sorry you lost your girl, that's always tough. It sounds to me you were doing what you could for her so please don't feel like you were the one that did her in.

If you have any questions about the other birds, feel free to post and ask for help. There are a lot of friendly and helpful members here that are always willing to give a hand.
Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!


So sorry for your loss.
I would not blame yourself. It sounds like you were doing all you could for her and were trying to help her.
Hi Sheri and welcome to our flock. Sorry about your loss but as other members have said, you did all in your power to save her. "Where there's livestock, there's deadstock" - its never a pleasant experience to lose a bird, but the saying is very true I'm afraid.

Keep your chin up

Thank you all for the welcomes and support :) I have to hope it was her time and remember that our actions, though inept and unfortunately deadly, were made with the best of intentions. I will just keep on reading, asking and learning and hope to do right by my future chickens.
Hi again. Your actions were neither inept, nor the cause of her death so please don't beat yourself up on that one. Keeping chickens is just like life - you learn something new everyday, and the benefit of hindsight is a wonderful thing!

Again, many thanks CTKen. Being new to this I am sure I'm overly-sensitive. As my rancher neighbor Kristine told me, "Girl, you gotta grow a skin!" I'm working on it ;-)

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