Hello from SC!


9 Years
Mar 17, 2010
Pickens, SC
I've been a member of BYC since last year, but haven't posted much. Got my first 5 hens last spring and my sweet hubby built me a coop. Now I'm addicted! Hubby didn't know what he was getting himself into! haha..now I'm having him build me another coop with a run connecting the 2 coops. I have 2 white leghorns, 2 buff orpingtons, and another hen that was sold to me as a Dominique but I think she's a barred rock. I'm a licensed vet tech..and currently have 3 dogs, 2 cats, a horse, and 2 mini donkeys in additons to my chickies. I'm hoping to hatch some eggs this year for the first time..and can't wait! I'd love to add some Marans, Blue/Splash Orpingtons, and maybe some Wyandottes to my little flock. I LOVE BYC! There's so much great info on here
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Still ALL good! Glad you decided to start chiming in, sounds like you have a lively household and a very nice DH. (DH is dear hubby, etc. Check the FAQs for more abbreviations. )

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