Hello from South Carolina!

I posted this show date on three different threads on this forum prior to the show. I would keep tabs on this Forum Topic for show listings.
Poultry show and swap meet listings
(Moderated by BYC Moderator, CarriBrown, MissPrissy, adoptedbyachicken, allen wranch, chickchair, eggchel, greyfields, hinkjc, kstaven, silkiechicken, terrielacy)
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Hey I'm from Easley ... you know that little town between Clemson and Greenville. The Upstate is easier to say. Well just Logged in for the first time. I bought my first hen 2 weeks ago. Then an OEG Bantam Rooster and a Hen. I just finished my coop and plan on doing a run after I imagine one, so pics will be up soon..... Thanks Mayor B

Oh i hope this posts correctly

I live on the other side of Greenville from you! There are a lot of up state SC people on here.
Have fun building for your chickens. They are such great pets.
HELLOOOOO fron Hollywood! (aka Hollyweird)

We're about 30 miles SW of Charleston, 1 stoplight and a Piggly Wiggly.

Born in Staunton VA, raised in Camden SC, most adult life in Austin TX and still an adopted Texan at heart! Couple years overseas, too. Glad to be in SC again!
ok cool my post worked and everyone seems so friendly... i finished my coop and have some fairly descent pics to share but how on earth do i make it possible for everyone to see my bragging rights hahaha ??????? please help
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ok think i just discovered something bare with me
sweet it worked ok this is the back of my coop on the right side is a trap door and on the left the small box framed off is a future door to the run....
ok this is the front side and my bro modeling to give this pic proportional values lol...
this is the front view and later will have a few old tins one of the Tins will be for Riddles Feed & Seed located in easley great place to get feed supplies .....
sorry this picture is sideways but just rotate screen to the left haha ok this is my roost i used mountain laurel branches for roost poles and below is covered with chicken wire so they cant mess in the litter you can see the trap door i talked about earlier...
these are the nest boxes I built from western cedar
this is a shot of the nestboxes and roost... i used 6 inches o riversand as a base
this is my barred rock hen standard that i am currently treating for scaly mites that she had when i purchased her

this is my OEG BB Red Bantam I have his mate in the coop too but did not get a pic of her for some reason
Well BYC peoples? cant wait to here responses on how im doing considering i purchased my first chicken two weeks ago on an honest whim and my bantams last week :eek:) i will soon have more pics

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