Hello from Sunny Colorado


11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Aurora, CO
Just wanted to say HI, my girls and I just got the bug from their Bob-Bob (grandpa) to get some chickens, so whole they are visiting this week we built a coop, and i just found three rhode island red ladies and brought them home. never had anything more than a dog before and that was long before the kids

we live in the denver-metro area, welcome and tip/tricks/advise anyone can offer.

Ryan (and my girls Abby, Millie and Emma)

(those are my daughters not my chikens!)
Hey I am not far from you at all relatively speaking! Just up in Elizabeth.

Welcome to BYC - if you think you've got the "bug" now - wait a month.

matbe since you are close you can help me find something? i'm looking for an all seasons door for the henhouse, something like one with the plastic that hangs down, but light enough that the hens can get in and out.....
Hmmmm...I dunno about that one. I usually look online for hard to find stuff - maybe Petsmart? I know they have doggie doors (like the ones you describe) and maybe you could order it online and have it delivered to the store for free shipping.

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