Hello from Texas


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 24, 2012
SE. Texas
I just wanted to introduce myself.

I first started raising chickens as an FFA project in Beaumont Texas in 1982, since then I have had chickens on and off again.

I really liked Bantams at one point I had Golden Sea Brights,Black Cochins, Polish,and Barred Rocks.

I have about ten chickens now, lost some due the drought and heat we had last year.

I have 5 Dominiques, 2 Salmon Faverolles,.and two Light Brahma, all four years old, all standard.

I am using 4 x 8 chicken tractors but in the process of converting 18 x 31 horse barn to chicken coop, we have fifteen acres.

I am hoping to get more Salmon Faverolles, so if anyone in Texas looking to sell please drop me a pm.

I will try to post some pictures later.

Oh the name GrunHerz is German for "Green Heart" which is the name of our farm, as the wife is from Koln Germany.

Almost forgot the avatar is a picture of my R/C Jet(Convair F2Y SeaDart), I fly RC planes and Helicopters too.

Have a Good Day

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