Hello from the bread-basket moo-state


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2016
I am a twenty eight year old city woman (Apparently Toms River, New Jersey is considered a city.) living in a small town just outside Colorado. I live with my life partner, who works on a dairy, and my four fur-sons and a dogter. I also have three indoor cats and one indoor henlet (named Delta) that all strut my home. Outside, I have three toms and one molly. And in my backyard, a small but growing flock consisting of the following;
one drake mallard
one buff duck
one frizzle bantam
one sultan rooster
one sebright bantam
one silkie bantam
one easter egger
two buff cochins
four amberlinks
two polish
and two delaware.
I like variety. It is a problem. >_>; I'm continually adding to my flock at every chance, much to my partners dismay. But it's alright. He enjoys the eggs and he enjoys seeing me at peace. I've referenced and browsed this site on many occasions to find help with my growing flock. And I'm sure my partner would appreciate all the help, too.
(fyi, my handle is an old middle school name that has so far stuck for years. I promise I'm nice.)
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Have you checked out the Learning Center? It is a great place to start a chicken education. Once your chicks are 6 weeks old - you may like to post individual photos of them at "what breed or gender is this." to discover hims/hers.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! You have a lovely collection of breeds and birds!
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Welcome to BYC! Sounds like such a fun flock and the pictures are so cute! I love the sebright's lacing! This is a great resource and there are so many helpful people here. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! I'm sure anyone would be glad to help in any way. Good luck and thanks for joining us here at BYC!

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