Hello from the cool part of AZ that no one knows about!

great to have you joining the BYC flock

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Welcome to BYC! I've been up in the Flagstaff area on several occasions, so I know that there are cool areas in Arizona (it's beautiful and the altitude makes all the difference in the world). Your coop looks like it's coming along very nicely. There are some plans for an easy-to-make roll away nest box at http://www.southernagrarian.com/building-a-roll-away-nest-box/ Are there any particular breeds of chickens you want?
Welcome to BYC! I've been up in the Flagstaff area on several occasions, so I know that there are cool areas in Arizona (it's beautiful and the altitude makes all the difference in the world). Your coop looks like it's coming along very nicely. There are some plans for an easy-to-make roll away nest box at http://www.southernagrarian.com/building-a-roll-away-nest-box/ Are there any particular breeds of chickens you want?
I figured a lot of you here would have heard of Flag and surrounding areas. It's just funny when people hear I live in AZ and they immediately comment on the heat and/or desert. Then I tell them that Flag has never seen triple digits and is in the middle of the largest ponderosa pine forest in the world, and they look confused. I'll check out those plans, thanks!! I am diving into my chicken research in a few weeks, so I have no idea on breed yet.
I figured a lot of you here would have heard of Flag and surrounding areas. It's just funny when people hear I live in AZ and they immediately comment on the heat and/or desert. Then I tell them that Flag has never seen triple digits and is in the middle of the largest ponderosa pine forest in the world, and they look confused. I'll check out those plans, thanks!! I am diving into my chicken research in a few weeks, so I have no idea on breed yet.

I always though that Flagstaff would be a nice area to live in. Whatever breeds you decide to get, good luck with your flock.
I certainly had no idea Arizona had any cool spots - I learn something new every day on BYC.

BTW very nice coop - coming along well. Welcome to the flock.
Hi and Welcome to BYC and the Hot side of Arizona lol. I love flagstaff and prescott, the family and I are thinking of moving either up there or to Idaho. Nice coop, would love to get my hands on some pallets to expand my coop.
Hi. Just joined today myself. Unfortunately I live in Yuma az where forecast calls for 116 degrees next week!

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